
Karuta Festival

Karuta Festival and Karuta Tournament

Ogura Hyakunin Karuta bill
 This is a shrine dedicated to Emperor Tenji, who composed the first poem in the 'Ogura Hyakunin Isshu'. Ogura Hyakunin Isshu features a collection of waka poems one from each of 100 great poets in Japanese history.
 Karuta are playing cards bearing pictures and writing.There are two kinds of cards used in the game of Hyakunin Isshu ― yomifuda and torifuda. Each yomifuda has one of the poems printed in its entirety. Each torifuda has only the second half of a poem printed on it. A reciter reads out yomifuda one at a time, and the players compete to grab the corresponding torifuda.
All Japan High School Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Karuta Tournament
 At 'competitive karuta' the players movements as they reach out for the torifuda cards are so fast, you can barely tell what's going on. Because of its intensity, it has been called a 'martial art on tatami'.
 And in recent years, the impact of the popular comic book story "Chihayafuru" that features the card game "karuta" has played a part in sparking a karuta boom chiefly among the younger generation.
 "Chihayafuru" is a popular comic book whose main character is a high school girl who becomes passionate about competitive karuta.
 The "All Japan High School Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Karuta Tournament" draws a crowd of more than 1000 competitors from all over Japan every July.

Karuta festival

Karuta traditional festival
21 Also,the champion match to determine Japan's number one male and female karuta player is held every January. The next day karuta traditional festival will be held in the shrine.
 Then the "Prince Takamatsu Memorial Cup All Japan Uta-Karuta Tournament" is held. About 1000 people of all ages and genders come together from all over the country to play karuta card games against each other. Competitors play for two days in tournaments broken up into seven categories.
 Master Tournament(Men), Queen Tournament(Women)    2021 January 9 10:00~
(Visitors must obtain numbered tickets. Distributed at the venue.)
 Karuta traditional festival   2021 January 10 9:00-10:00 (Admission is free.)
ご祭神 天智天皇(天命開別大神)
ご神徳 時の祖神
・参拝時間     6:00~18:00
・ご祈祷      9:30~16:00
・お守り・御朱印等 9:00~16:30
・時計館宝物館   9:30~16:30
・結婚式打合せ   10:00~16:00
時計館宝物館: 15分程度~
車いす利用 時計館横から外拝殿までスロープあり。時計館横に車いす用トイレあり。時計館横まで身障者用自動車は乗入可能

2月11日 紀元節祭
2月23日 天長節祭・律令祭
3月17日 祈年祭
