
Clock Museum

Water clock

The water clock "Rokoku"
The water clock "Rokoku"
 Official timekeeping in Japan began during the reign of Emperor Tenji(668-672) at his capital Omi Otsu no Miya, with the building of a water clock "to chime  the hour with a bell and drum" (according to the "Nihon Shoki" chronicle).
 The water clock and Omi Jingu Clock Museum are located in the precincts in connection with the water clock created for the first time in Japan. Fire clock and sundial is also provided to other. The clock festival(Rokokusai) is held on June 10, the day called Time Day.Each manufacturer will offerings watches new products in Clock Festival.

Rokokusai (Water Clock Festival)

Clock Festival(Rokokusai)
Clock Festival(Rokokusai)
The Rokokusai (Water Clock Festival)is held on every June 10, the National Time Day, to commemorate the day on which Emperor Tenji began to use the water clock to tell the timeto people.Watch clock manufacturerswill bring their new products as the offerings for the Rokokusai to the shrine.

Clock Museum and Treasure House

the Clock Museum and Treasure House, the sundial in front
the Clock Museum and Treasure House
 This museum opened in 1963 as the first clock museum in Japan. It was renovated  and reopened in 2010 as the Clock Museum and Treasure House in the Oumi jingu.
 The first floor displays about 100 rare clocks from Asia and the West, ancient and modern, including wadokei (old Japanese clocks) which are various types of lantern clocks called Yagura-dokei, a Japanese original pendulum clock called Suiyokyugi and so on, with many items donated by the family of Prince Takamatsu.
 The second floor is  the shrine museum, displaying outstanding works from the Omi shrine collection, including a reproduction of the "Landscape with Tower" screen painted by Shohaku  Soga (Important National Cultural Property).
  The Clock Museum and Treasure House
   Opening Hours 9:30-16:30
    (Closed on Monday except holidays)
   Admission  \300 (Children \150)

The suspended globe clock (Suiyokyugi)

 Suiyokyugi is a type of pendulum clock made in Kansei era (1789-1801). This clock can measure the frequency of the pendulum to 1,000,000. It was designed for celestial observation by the astronomers Asada Goryu and Hazama Shigetomi, and made by Toda Tozaburo. Among the four such clocks existing in Japan, the clock held in Oumi Jingu is the most complete.
ご祭神 天智天皇(天命開別大神)
ご神徳 時の祖神
・参拝時間     6:00~18:00
・ご祈祷      9:30~16:00
・お守り・御朱印等 9:00~16:30
・時計館宝物館   9:30~16:30
・結婚式打合せ   10:00~16:00
時計館宝物館: 15分程度~
車いす利用 時計館横から外拝殿までスロープあり。時計館横に車いす用トイレあり。時計館横まで身障者用自動車は乗入可能

2月11日 紀元節祭
2月23日 天長節祭・律令祭
3月17日 祈年祭
